Carl von Linné: Porōwnanie wersyji

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m clean up
m clean up, removed: Because no values have been specified for the prop parameter, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future, a default value will be set for the prop parameter, causing the newformat to al...
Linijŏ 4: Linijŏ 4:

{{Commons|Carl von Linné}}
{{Commons|Carl von Linné}}

Because no values have been specified for the prop parameter, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future, a default value will be set for the prop parameter, causing the newformat to always be used.
Because no values have been specified for the prop parameter, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future, a default value will be set for the prop parameter, causing the newformat to always be used.
Because no values have been specified for the prop parameter, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future, a default value will be set for the prop parameter, causing the newformat to always be used.
Because no values have been specified for the prop parameter, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future, a default value will be set for the prop parameter, causing the newformat to always be used.
Because no values have been specified for the prop parameter, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future, a default value will be set for the prop parameter, causing the newformat to always be used.
Because no values have been specified for the prop parameter, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future, a default value will be set for the prop parameter, causing the newformat to always be used.
Because no values have been specified for the prop parameter, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future, a default value will be set for the prop parameter, causing the newformat to always be used.
Because no values have been specified for the prop parameter, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future, a default value will be set for the prop parameter, causing the newformat to always be used.

{{DEFAULTSORT:Linné, Carl von}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Linné, Carl von}}

Teroźnŏ wersyjŏ na dziyń 18:14, 9 mar 2015

Carl von Linné

Carl von Linné (uać. Carolus Linnaeus) (rodz. 23 maja 1707 we Råshult, um. 10 styčńa 1778 we Uppsali) – šwedzki přirodńik, profesor ůńiwersyteta we Uppsali. Je autorym Systema Naturae we kerym předstowjůu zarys systyma klasyfikacyje uorgańizmůw kery sům wymyślůu. Jygo publikacyjo dopůmůgua we powšychnym přijyńću binůminalnygo (dwůmjanowygo) systyma mjanowańo gatůnkůw. Uopisou ůng. 7700 gatůnkůw roślinůw a 4162 gatůnki gadźiny. We 1737 uopublikowou Genera Plantarum, kere to dźeuo douo podstawy wspůučesnyj botańice.
