Wkłŏd używŏcza Gereon K.
Wyniki dla użytkownika Gereon K. dyskusyjŏ zawarcia zaladowane zbiory regest rejestr globalnych blokad konto globalne regest nadużyć
Użytkownik(-czka) wykonał(a) 4 edycje. Konto utworzone 29 siy 2017.
8 wrz 2019
- 16:2416:24, 8 wrz 2019 rōżn. hist. +5 m São João del Rei (GR) File renamed: File:Bandeira sao joao del rei.jpg → File:Bandeira de São João del-Rei.jpg Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set) · Padronização
25 czy 2018
- 11:0611:06, 25 czy 2018 rōżn. hist. +16 m Abasy (GR) File renamed: File:Naval Jack of Abkhazia Proposal.svg → File:Proposed Naval Jack of the Republic of Abkhazia.svg Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name) · There are two polities: the Republic of Abkhazia (a partially recognized state) and the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia (a territorial entity of Georgia). terŏźnŏ
- 11:0611:06, 25 czy 2018 rōżn. hist. +16 m Muster:Państwo fana ABKH (GR) File renamed: File:Naval Jack of Abkhazia Proposal.svg → File:Proposed Naval Jack of the Republic of Abkhazia.svg Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name) · There are two polities: the Republic of Abkhazia (a partially recognized state) and the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia (a territorial entity of Georgia). terŏźnŏ
29 siy 2017
- 21:4221:42, 29 siy 2017 rōżn. hist. +8 m Arlington (Teksas) (GR) File renamed: File:Arlington, Texas.svg → File:Flag of Arlington, Texas.svg File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the image par... terŏźnŏ