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Dyskusyjo Wikipedyjo:Sztamtisz

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Ze Wikipedia

Polsko worta "temat", to we šlůnzskym je - "tyjma"! Jaborygyn 20:30, 13 śyr 2008 (UTC)

Polsko worta "wjelgi", to we šlůnzskym je - "srogi"!

Jaborygyn 11:25, 18 śyr 2008 (UTC)

Po polsku je "wielki, duży", po našymu "wjelgi, wjeli, srogi". Ńy mo ino jydno suowo. Timpul godka 11:46, 18 śyr 2008 (UTC)
Godom jako Timp[ul - je i Wjelgi i Srogi. Nale ńy ma Tymat, jyno Tyjma - třa pomjyńać. ◄Ozi64► a jigo godka 15:18, 18 śyr 2008 (UTC)

Gathering of wikis in regional languages during WikiConvention, Nürnberg, 9-11 September

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Dear Silesians, we are currently discussing whether to hold a meetup of activists from minor Wikis in regional languages, see de:Wikipedia:WikiConvention/Themensammlung#Treffen der Regionalsprachen during the upcoming WikiConvention in Nurenberg. I'd be curious to see whether any of you might be interested in joining.. --Johannes Rohr (WMDE) 10:38, 7 lip 2011 (CEST)[ôdpowiydz]

International meetup initiative

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Hi Silesians, are you aware of this initiative to have a Czech-Polish-German-Sorbian meetup? Would you be interested in seeing that happen? I unfortunately forgot whom of you I have met in Poznań, but it was a great pleasure meeting you, anyway! --Johannes Rohr (WMDE) 19:46, 28 wrz 2011 (CEST)[ôdpowiydz]

Thanks for invitation. That was me in Poznań - I'm very glad to read that it was pleasure for you too... I will do my best to join this meetup (signed up already). Wise choice of place, BTW. Lajsikonik 20:02, 28 wrz 2011 (CEST)[ôdpowiydz]

płaca netto w dolarach wg. PPP dla Polski

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Płaca netto w dolarach wg. PPP dla Polski jest obliczona nieprawidłowo.

Najświeższy kurs dolara międzynarodowego (USD PPP)wg. IMF wynosi 1,766 zł, a to, przy płacy netto 3.680 zł, daje płacę 2.083 $ wg. PPP. Na ten kurs powołuje się właśnie autor-admistrator w tej kolumnie (przypis nr 1 - references), ale wyliczenie jest błędne, jak widać. wilq6